Monday, May 17, 2010

The LeBron Free Agency Saga: Da Bulls

From getting ousted by the Celtics to Delonte banging Gloria James to both Calipari and LeBron going to Chi-Town. The 2010 NBA free agent stuff is definitely a lot more fun to watch than any NBA playoff series so far. In fact, who gives a flying fuck about the playoffs. Fastforward to the offseason.

On a separate note, you have to feel sorry for the Knick fans. Giving away your future and possibly not ending up with any of the top free agents = EPIC FAIL. But I guess they got used to it going through the Zeke Thomas era.

EDIT: So now the Bulls are NOT discussing bringing in Calipari. JEEZ.


  1. honestly, clippers should at least be considered. they got eric gordon/blake griffin to begin with...and decent big men in kaman and jordan with baron who can pass and love to shoot.

  2. Plus now they got the 8th pick. They need to trade Baron though. He's not really that good of a fit though. Bron needs shooters. Maybe Davis for Arenas? Arenas goes back home. Too bad the Clippers are a 2nd fiddle franchise.
