Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jose Calderon 4 Team Trade Idea + David Andersen to Raptors

So the Raptors made a big splash in the trade market relieving the Houston Rockets of some luxury tax payments. The Rockets essentially pay Toronto cash to take on David Anderson's 2.5M this year and the 1.85K guaranteed next year ... essentially an expiring contract.

The Raptors give up a heavily protected 2nd round pick so they really got cash and a free player.

Toronto had interest in the Aussie big man who made a name for himself all over Europe. According to DraftExpress, and this was atleast a couple of seasons back, they tried trading for his rights from the Atlanta Hawks.

Here is his highlight package

Now to the Jose Calderon 4 team trade idea involving the Detroit Pistons, Chicago Bulls and Utah Jazz:

Raptors trade: Jose Calderon, Marco Belinelli, Reggie Evans, Joey Dorsey (or Dwayne Jones)
Raptors get: Andrei Kirilenko, Chris Wilcox

Don't need much explanation here. The Raptors upgrade defensively and reduce more financial long term commitments.

The Raptors get a mulitpositional defensive player in Andrei Kirilenko, who can also handle point forward duties. He also comes with a massive 17.8M expiring contract. Chris Wilcox gives them an athletic big man who can handle some 5 man duties. He also comes with an expiring contract.

Pistons trade: Richard Hamilton, Chris Wilcox
Pistons get: Jose Calderon, James Johnson, Reggie Evans

Its safe to say that Detroit is lacking in point guard play. Last season, the Pistons ranked in the bottom 10 in the league in terms of point guard efficiency and Jose Calderon would help them quite a bit in that area. They also ranked 19 in the league in SG efficiency so it doesn't make sense having $23.3M tied up in both Richard Hamilton and Ben Gordon.

James Johnson is a sweetner should figure to get more time in Detroit rather than in Chicago.

The Pistons also have both Wilcox and Hamilton on the trade block and had prior interest in Jose Calderon.

Jazz trade: Andrei Kirilenko
Jazz get: Richard Hamilton, Joey Dorsey (or Dwayne Jones)

This trade gives the Jazz scoring punch from the wing and puts the Jazz below the Luxury Tax Threshold. Joey Dorsey (or Dwayne Jones)'s contract isn't fully guaranteed so he can be waived. It also signals to Deron Williams that they are serious about winning so Deron doesn't have any thoughts of pulling a 'Chris Paul' on Utah.

Bulls trade: James Johnson
Bulls get: Marco Belinelli

Belinelli should figure to get more time in Chicago as he will be warming the bench for the likes of Barbosa, DeRozan and Weems. The Bulls tried to get another shooter in JJ Reddick but the Orlando Magic matched his offer sheet.

Plus Johnson is on the trade block.

Just some stuff that was running in my head...

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