Saturday, December 18, 2010

Orlando Magic Pull Off Major Deal...

... and instantly become my favourite team to play with on NBA 2k11. Imagine a lineup of Howard, Hedo, J-Rich, Arenas and Nelson. I also picked up Gortat in almost all of my fantasy teams.

Interesting trade for the Magic if they all start at once (Howard, Turkoglu, Richardson, Arenas, Nelson). But the problem is they need too many balls on the court because of too many high usage players there on the perimeter. One of Nelson or Arenas will have to accept a reduced role on offense (or come off the bench) or Otis Smith has to move Nelson for more depth/better defensive role players.

Phoenix made out reasonably well. They got a center, although expensive as he is still unproven, and get an overall upgrade. Washington had no other deals/suitors for Arenas so they had to take this one.

Anyways.. here is ESPN's take on it

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