Friday, January 7, 2011

Trade Idea: Bring 'Em Home

If our conspiracy theories hold any weight (and only Westphal knows if they do), then Dalembert might qualify as the most likely Kings player to be moved.

And depending on how the next month plays out, I could almost see Petrie shipping Dalembert out for another player(s) with an expiring deal(s) who wouldn't play in a good-will type gesture. It would relieve the pressure if he still isn't playing while giving him a better chance to showcase himself to prospective employers.

As chronicled by Ailene Voisin of The Sacramento Bee, Dalembert's agent, Marc Cornstein, was in town on Tuesday to see his free-agent-to-be client and check in with Petrie. But there was no similar spike in playing time, as Dalembert logged 18 minutes in a loss to Atlanta and was so ready for more action afterward that I saw him running on the treadmill in full jersey at the team's practice facility that's across from Arco Arena.
Fan House

Although the Raptors are amongst several teams reported to be interested in forward Omri Casspi, a trade for Dalembert would be more useful with the way the current roster is constructed. Not to mention that any trade involving Casspi crossing the US border would require the Raptors to take on additional contracts such as Garcia or Udrih.

A simple Peja-for-Dalembert swap would be sufficient. Raptors need a shot blocking center up front and the Kings bring back a familiar face while reducing their log jam in the frontcourt.


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