Friday, February 18, 2011

Insane Rumour: Why Barbosa Was Traded

Leandro Barbosa was on the Phoenix Suns from 2003-2010…He was a fan favorite in the desert and then got traded this past Summer before the season began..Why was the longest tenured Suns player shipped out of town…I’m being told he was messing around with Steve Nash’s wife…Here’s what my source tells me..”Barbosa was traded because Nash caught wind of the affair and he had to go…That’s why Nash all of a sudden got divorced after his wife had the baby..He realized it wasn’t his and then decided to split from her immediately following the birth.” Ok, this is some crazy soap opera type activities going on within the Suns organization…Nash did split with his wife over the Summer and then got divorced immediately following the birth of the child…Like most other crazy tips, I will take this with a grain of salt, but the time lines are striking…and the first two kids Nash and his wife had were out of wedlock as well.. -TO


WOW. No wonder the Raptors were able to move Hedo.

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